Anyways, this weekend was absolutely amazing and I wish I could go back right now!
I got up earlier than normal for a Friday and headed down to Athens on my own while Christian stayed in Charlotte and worked from home. As soon as I got to my house, my mom and I headed over to the first bridal shop! My friend, Kristin also lucked out and was able to leave work an hour early and come meet us, too, which was awesome. I tried on three there and I absolutely loved all three.. of course.
After that, we headed over to a second shop and I tried on quite a few more and ended up confusing my self completely as to what I want to wear! I also had her try on a couple bridesmaids dresses and I may have already picked those out - that was much easier!
After shopping, my parents and I went to dinner and I went home and went straight to bed!
Christian, his friend Travis and our friends Sam and Jeremy headed down to Athens from Charlotte around 5:30a since it's a 3.5+ hour drive and kick off was at 12:30p. Once everyone got to Athens, we were a little slow to get started but there were some delicious parking lot mimosas and we walked over to the stadium!
After dinner, we all tried to wait as long as possible to head downtown. But, we all realized how old we are when this conversation took place:
"Guys, if we don't hurry up and get out, it's going to be too late!"
"You're right, it's getting late!!"
"Wait, what time IS it?"
"Oh.. it's 7:15...."
We ended up going out around 8p and met up with my friend who we were staying with that night. Then began the bar hopping. There were some super sketchy ones and a really awesome 90s bar that we had an absolute blast at! We ended the night around 1:30a when I could barely keep my eyes open any longer. Honestly, I'm pretty surprised I lasted that long.
Christian and I went to a car show with my parents at The Varsity. You guys probably have no idea what that is, but it's a pretty famous restaurant known for their greasy, yummy hot dogs, burgers, onion rings and signature drink called a Frosted Orange! My dad and Christian were in heaven surrounded by all the classic cars so mom and I laid low and let them obsess.
The rest of the evening was pretty low key, watching TV, hanging with my parents and getting my favorite Athens food - Barberitos!
Lazy is seriously the only way to describe it. Christian had to work from home and my mom has been sick so all of us watched movies and were lazy on the couch. Christian and I then headed back to Charlotte around 4p. Little Zuko was not happy that we left him alone so long but he was quite happy to have us back home.

1 comment:
Glad you had a good weekend- busy girl!! :) We have a restaurant called the Varsity but I don't think it's the same as yours lol!
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