If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you may already know my fabulous news, but I am SO excited to tell you guys the story!
If you remember, a few weeks ago I mentioned that some exciting things happened for us... we obviously went ring shopping but I was told it would be 6 months to a year before he had everything saved up and ready to go. He also told me he really wanted to live together longer (which annoyed the CRAP out of me). He had me completely convinced that it would be awhile. I was thinking this spring. That didn't stop me from asking every other day, though.. oops.
Saturday morning we got up really early and headed up to Boone for our anniversary. Lucky for him, this was my idea and I had the whole day planned. Had he suggested everything, I would have been suspicious. The first thing we did upon getting to Boone was head up on the Parkway to look at the leaves.
As we were driving, we never really stopped at any overlooks like normal, but then he asked if I wanted to go to Linville Falls. I'd never been so I was all for it. Sadly, we forgot that it's a Federal park and it was closed... So off we went farther up the Parkway and finally pulled off. I kept saying "But we can't see anything here!! This is a weird place to stop!!".
Then we walked down a short path and stumbled upon this...
No picture will do this justice, but all you seen is mountains for miles. It was completely breathtaking.
So here I am rambling about the view and being worried about getting a good iPhone picture to Instagram when this ring is in front of me.
I was completely fooled and completely caught off guard. I just stood there crying and asking if this was real. Turns out, it was real!! I really do get to marry my best friend and spent the rest of my life with him. Like, FOREVER.
I couldn't imagine a more perfect proposal from the most perfect guy. I mean in the place we met..on our anniversary (well close enough to it).. with the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. Pictures just don't do any of it justice in my opinion!
We spent the rest of the day galavanting around Boone and having the most perfect day in the world. And I spent the whole day staring at my hand. We took the day to enjoy it before telling anyone (well, except my parents and closest best friends) or posting it to social media.
Once he started telling me details about how he pulled it off, I was shocked! And looking back, it makes sense but I legitimately believed it wouldn't be for months.
"I Should've Known" Number One: The day he bought it, we had been arguing a little bit. I kept thinking he was annoyed with me and couldn't figure out why. Then he said he needed to go over to his parents but didn't invite me. He was gone for hours and then calls from his friend's apartment asking if I wanted to do something with them. My feelings had been hurt because I thought he was upset and didn't want to hang out for some reason. What really happened: He went to buy the ring and drove around showing everyone and being excited.
"I Should've Known" Number Two: It's been IN MY CLOSET for TWO weeks. Right there, next to all my clothes, this beautiful thing has been just hanging out in a very noticeable jewelry box and I had no idea.
"I Should've Known" Number Three: He was trying to get the ring while I was getting dressed. We're ready to walk out the door and he leaves me standing in the kitchen, goes in the closet and comes out with nothing. I still had no idea.
"I Should've Known" Number Four: We tried to stop at a really random place on the Parkway but it had an overgrown trail that I couldn't get to in the shoes I was wearing to go look at the view. It was a weird place to stop and I suggested we go to a different one. I kept mentioning ones I liked but we didn't stop again until the deserted one where he proposed. He told me later it was because he knew I wanted it to be just us and have no one around. He kept getting annoyed that every overlook was so crowded!
He pulled off the most gorgeous proposal and I couldn't wish for a better day or a better guy to spend the rest of my life with this amazing man. I don't know HOW I got so lucky but I'm so happy that I did!
Now, I hope you guys don't hate me for the amount of "Wedding Wednesday" headed your way ;)

I'm SO happy for you and your ring is absolutely beautiful!! I can't believe the ring was in your closet the whole time, ha! I can't wait for Wedding Wednesday posts :)
Yayyy thanks for sharing the story!!!! :) What a sweet proposal!!! All the clues are so funny - glad you were still clueless though :) Can't wait for the wedding related posts!
OH MY GOODNESS!! I totally missed Instagram Saturday so I had no idea! Congratulations to y'all, I'm so so happy for you!!! Also? He did a damn good job, too - your ring is stunning!
Before Glenn proposed, I lived with my ring in our apartment for 6 MONTHS and never had a clue. Isn't that the craziest feeling to know it was right under your nose?! :)
Literally the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen!!!!!!! SO excited for you and SUCH a sweet, special proposal! YAYYYY!!!! :)
So excited for you!!! I had a feeling that might be the surprise thing you couldn't mention...Congrats! And feel free to post all the Wedding Wednesday you want, I look forward to it!
ahhh I am so happy for you! Your ring is gorgeous and the proposal spot looks amazing! I can't wait for your wedding Wednesdays!
Yayyyy, great story and that view is amazing. Your ring is just beautiful too.
Congratulations! :) How exciting!
Congratulations!!!! Let the planning begin, such a beautiful ring!
Your ring!!! I'm so very in love with you ring! And so very happy for you! Congrats x1000!!
Oh my goodness, this is SO sweet! Congratulations :) And your ring is BEAUTIFUL!! I love that he surprised you!
Oh my gosh, I am SO happy for you! Congratulations to you both! That ring is STUNNING! Ah, so exciting! :D
Congrats, clearly I miss this while I was out on my honeymoon. For the record we got engaged in the NC mountains Oct 12, 2012 and married Oct 5, 2013 :) so I give this a 100% on the proposal!
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