I've been living with a boy now for a whole entire month. And man, does time fly when you're having fun! Granted, with my weird schedule we don't see each other as much as a normal couple living together would, but it's working for now!
one // There's always someone for me to cook for! I enjoy cooking but living on my own (or with roommates) it was hard to cook for one person. I would end up with a week's worth of leftovers and no one wants to eat that much leftovers! He eats so much we usually only have one serving of leftovers or none at all!
two // I hate cleaning the kitchen... And Christian has no problem with it. He's very picky about the kitchen's cleanliness so I cook and as soon as we're done eating, he gets up and cleans the kitchen. It's basically heaven.
three // There's someone to help me take care of Zuko. With my weird shifts, I always felt so guilty leaving him alone all day. But now, I leave around 12:30p everyday and he gets home around 4:30p, so that spoiled little kitty is only alone a few hours a day!
four // I can cuddle anytime I want. Movie time? Blog reading time? Bedtime? I'm constantly insisting upon cuddling. Nothing beats a long day and coming home to your new comfy couch and a boyfriend to cuddle with!
five // The TV. Yep, I went there. He's a boy and my teeny, tiny TV wasn't cutting it for him so he went out and bought us a huge flatscreen, SmartTV. I was super against it and didn't think it was necessary. Then I realized I know have Netflix on. my. TV.
six // Bugs. Between Christian and Zuko, I don't have to kill bugs at all anymore and it's awesome. Especially since I'm deathly afraid of spiders!
seven // He's so handy! I can't wait to show you guys what he did with our "entertainment center" (pictures coming next week, I swear!). He can fix anything. Toilets, showers, garbage disposals, cars, etc. You name it, he can probably fix it. It make my life so much easier and saves us so much money.
eight // I only have to pay HALF the bills! Sorry, had to go here, too. We were able to get such a nice place with a garage for WAY less than what I paid when I first moved in and it's not much more than what I was paying in Boone for a ton more apartment. We're able to do so much more and save so much more because our monthly bills are so much lower than what we were used to!
nine // My groceries don't go to waste. I always like to have cereal/milk/eggs/etc but I can never eat them all before they expire. That is no longer an issue now that Christian is responsible for drinking the milk!
ten // I get to see my best friend every single day. Even if it's just as a sleeping lump Tuesday-Thursday, he's still here. I come home every single day SO excited that I get to live here and live with the most amazing person in the world!

This is great! I can't wait until Spencer & I get a place together for all of these reasons, especially the tv :)
congrats on the moving in together! My fiancé and I have lived in our house for 2 years now and I'm still in awe of being able to spend my days with my very best friend!
the groceries one is a good one!!!! i didn't think of that one but it's SO TRUE. also, super jealous you got a SmartTV. my parents have one and i think it is SO COOL.
we moved in together for the saving money aspect too. we knew we wanted to get married but spending crazy amounts of money each was crazy
I, too, have been living with the boyfriend for about a month. It's been quite a change only because we lived an hour apart before. But, your points are good, especially the grocery thing! I finally have someone to help me eat some of the food I buy!
so glad it's going well!!
I love living with my guy, too, especially bc of the bug part haha!
Sooo does Christian have a brother?! Haha glad that everything is going great!!
Hehe- you crack me up ;) Love having to cuddle/hug anytime I want! The food thing is so true... in my apartment before we bought our house, I kept the bare minimum there bc I knew it would go bad before I got to it all!!
This is presh! Almost all of these apply to me, too, since I'm living with roommates for the first time. Not quite the same but I still think it's pretty great :)
Oh, and awkward story time- I accidentally just went to withasideofchocolate instead of your blog, thought it was totally weird that you posted a bunch of recipes, but commented on a post anyways and there's a good chance I mentioned Zuko. I didn't realize it wasn't your blog until it had me do word verification. Whoops! That lady is probably gonna think I'm a freak, and it's probably time for me to go to bed! Haha
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